Friday, October 3, 2008

Smoking ban! Oh Really????

So much talk in the media about smoking ban. If I wasn't already smoking, I would have lit up one just to check how smoking feels and why the media is making such a big fuss about it.

Here is a word for the media, "Stop!" and more-over, it is not a ban in the true sense of the word. Imagine this, you can't smoke in office buildings, public places like theaters, bars and shopping complexes but; you can smoke in public parks and on the road. There is something wrong here and doesn't this bother people?  

If you really wan't be cynical and say 'Phbtttt! ban, shwan; nothing is gonna happen' go ahead and say it.  Because, all that has changed in this ban is; the location where people smoke. As far as bangalore is concerned, there is not a shortage of parks (Can't say the same about roads). The only, thing good that is coming out of this ban is that the bars won't be filled with smog during Happy Hours. I don't frequent the good 'ol watering holes as much as I did so, big deal-don't care.  On the downside, your early morning jogs won't be as refreshing.

The truth is, this ban is half-hearted at best. The government wants revenues from tobacco but, they need to keep the mouths of the anti-smoking groups and NGO's shut and prevent them from spreading awareness. Next time these guys speak up, the government is going to say, 'We banned smoking! didn't we? What more, do you guys want?'.

If there are two things, any government won't ban completely they are tobacco and liquor. So, stop showing me Mr.Ramadoss on the screen,  he hasn't done anything great. He just got some cheap publicity by getting his face verbally slapped by SRK and Buddahdeb. 


Indian Home Maker said...

I like the verbal slap bit :)
Agree with governments half halfheartedness too but I guess it will also embolden non smokers to ask someone to go out and smoke ...

~Hemanth~ said...

Yes, it does give the non-smokers a little more courage to ask their smoking pals to step outside for a puff.

Pinku said...

hmmm....very few positive steps get taken in our corrupt country...lets not make mockery of the few that do.

If anything lets use the law to ensure that no one smokes in public. I dont allow anyone to smoke in my car, or home.

If they need to they better get out and do it. It may seem ruthless but the idea is to protect me and mine and also ensure the smoker knows he is a public nuisance.

~Hemanth~ said...

Define public, then you will see the irony of this ban.

As far as not smoking inside the house, I think it is commonsense apart from the dangers to health. Two reasons, one the house smells of smoke and the other is that the clothes smell of smoke.

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