Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to Chromium - A browser that thrills...

I was lucky enough to check the Google page today just before sleeping and lo behold!! today, Google launched a new web browser called Google Chrome. Google says "Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier."

First impressions are that it has a clean look, loads the webpages faster than FireFox(FF) and Internet Explorer(IE) and has a very minimal memory footprint. It's superfast because of the V8 javascript engine (developed at Google) and they say they have used components from Apple's WebKit and Mozilla's Firefox (especially the plugins feature and the download manager), which makes it even more worth trying. There are some cool features that are native to it. Try and find them.

Google, has also released the source code for the web browser. Go open source!!! 

Useful Links:

More Information:



Pinku said...

u are the techie....will follow ur recommendations.

Please tell me how to get a customised template for my blog..will be really grateful..everyone seems to have one except me. :(

~Hemanth~ said...

Sure, will make a new post about how to do it.

Indian Home Maker said...

I have been using Fire Fox, and occasionally IE. I think I would like try Google chrome.
I am clueless about open sourcing :(

~Hemanth~ said...

Open sourcing, as the name suggests is letting people see the code that was used to build your product. What it does is, it provides others with a chance to improve/modify/customize what you have already created thereby, increasing the value of a product.
Usually, open source products are free of cost.

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