Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A bit about the past and the future..

"Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer." ~Denis Waitley

Taking the above quote as inspiration, I deleted my old blog. I don't think that space will ever be available for another. The downward spiral that my life was during those days gave birth to a blog that was wallowing in self-pity. Everytime I looked at that blog page, it reminded me of the days gone by and would bring me to a point where my head was abuzz with a thousand thoughts of what went wrong, what could have been and what should have been.

I have since moved on and life has been much better, although a little busy. Hence, I wanted to create a new blog. There were couple of requirements that I wanted to set down for this new blog:
1. The blog had to be wholesome and not have only posts based on one emotion.
2. The blog had to have regular updates. Even it is a paragraph, it has to have new posts at regular intervals.

To achieve the requirements, I have to add more people to contribute on here. How do I do that? I don't know but, I will figure it out somehow. Maybe...add a few authors. Ok, that was me procrastinating and avoiding the responsibility of posting something useful by myself :)...ok, ok...I am going to post more often (one of the main reasons why my other blogs died was because, I wasn't as regular as I wanted to be).

Finally, there is someone who has to be thanked.
Pinku, who is a good friend (patient, more so than others) has got rid of all the complacency in me with just one comment. Thanks a ton! yaar!! I definetly owe you one for this one.

Note: For those of you who are wondering why? Because, I love writing.

Alright!!! Let's get this thing rolling.



Pinku said...


so u have begun....now keep at it.

and I am sure...u will get loads of reasons to stay in blogland...

~Hemanth~ said...

Friends like you, are the obvious reason :)

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